montiNovo3logo800 Футажи и тематические видеоролики ВАЛЕНТИНКИ, СЕРДЕЧКИ

Футажи и тематические видеоролики НОВЫЙ ГОД!

Футажи и тематические видеоролики ЗИМА, СНЕГОПАД 


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Image worth spreading: Cosmic Eye (Original in HD)


This movie was generated using the iOS App "Cosmic Eye", written by Danail Obreschkow at the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research at the University of Western Australia. This app draws inspiration from a progression of increasingly accurate graphical representations of the scales of our Universe, including the classical essay "Cosmic View" (1957), the short movie “Powers of Ten” (1977), directed by Charles and Ray Eames, and "Cosmic Zoom" (1968), directed by Eva Szasz. Where possible, it displays real photographs obtained with modern objectives, telescopes, and microscopes. Other views are phenomenal renderings of state-of-the-art computer models. All scientists and sources have given permission and are fully credited in the app.

2011-2024 | ViDiKo group |